Maximizing Online Ad Campaigns

Person with Laptop working on Ads

Dive into the best practices for effective online advertising. Learn how to maximize ROI, target audiences, and optimize your ad campaigns for success.

Why You Should Love Promotional Popups

Why would anyone love popups? The short answer is – MONEY! We’re talking more money both for you and your customers! But how does that work? If you have a website where people visit online, it’s usually the first real impression they get of who you are as a business. What better way to greet […]

The Red, White, and Beyond—Planning Your July Marketing Calendar

Add some spark to your summer campaign strategy. You’ve already composed your out-of-office reply, taken your new flip-flops for a spin in the fresh sand, and broken in the barbecue for a new season of char-grilled burgers and dogs. Yes, we’re officially in the heat of summer, but that doesn’t mean your marketing efforts need […]

Special Delivery—Why Using “Free” in Your Subject Lines Can Cost You Big

Using free in your subject line can harm deliverability

Free. But not quite clear. For the first two parts in our email deliverability series click here and here.  At some point, Webster’s Dictionary should have to re-write the definition of a headache as creating a perfectly legitimate online offer only for it to end up being flagged and sent hurtling helplessly into the infinite […]

Showered in Success—Creating a April Marketing Calendar

Cloudy with a chance of revenue. April may be notorious for its precipitation, but a true small business rainmaker knows that revenue is ripe for the picking during these 30 spring days. Before hunting down your galoshes and umbrella for a stomp in the puddles, make note of these upcoming dates and events to target […]

Timely Results—3 Bright Ideas for Spring Success

Spring forward. This past Sunday, we set the hour hand back on our collective alarm clocks, cuckoo clocks, pocket watches, and Apple Watches, praising the high heavens for that oh-so-precious extra hour of daylight. All this sunshine naturally brightens our mood, our outlook, and our approach—and this is said with no disrespect to those  2:00 […]

Spring Forward—Creating a March FetchRev Campaign Calendar

Third month’s a charm. Compared with the other eleven months of the calendar year, March just seems to get a bad rap. From a weather forecast that’s stuck in-between sunshine and scattered showers to the scary spectre of the Ides of March (if you’re Julius Caesar, that is), the third try of the new year […]

Victory Lap: Dallas Karting Complex Earns 1MM in Revenue with Hownd

And we’re off to the races. On the race tracks at Dallas Karting Complex, there’s only one speed: fast. When it comes to getting customers back on the course, developing a digital promotions strategy to kick things into high gear karting-style came with an added push. DKC’s owner had already done the heavy lifting as […]

Marketing 101—Creating a First-Class Back to School Special

It’s that time of the year again. Back to school season brings the sounds of children chattering as they wait for the bus, the bright white reflection of sneakers that have yet to touch the blacktop, and a full-scale rush on pencils and graphing calculators. For students from kindergarten through college (and their parents), the […]


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