Timely Results—3 Bright Ideas for Spring Success
Spring forward. This past Sunday, we set the hour hand back on our collective alarm clocks, cuckoo clocks, pocket watches, and Apple Watches, praising the high heavens for that oh-so-precious extra hour of daylight. All this sunshine naturally brightens our mood, our outlook, and our approach—and this is said with no disrespect to those 2:00 […]
Spring Forward—Creating a March FetchRev Campaign Calendar
Third month’s a charm. Compared with the other eleven months of the calendar year, March just seems to get a bad rap. From a weather forecast that’s stuck in-between sunshine and scattered showers to the scary spectre of the Ides of March (if you’re Julius Caesar, that is), the third try of the new year […]
From Concept to Creation—5 Simple Graphic Design Tips for Non-Designers
More by design than by accident. Not to get too graphic, but when it comes to building a brand—design is essential. So maybe art school was never really in the picture, and perhaps you have enough trouble color coordinating your clothes to even considering properly branding your business on your own, but that’s perfectly fine. […]
February Focus—Mapping Out Your FetchRev Campaign Calendar
Number two in your calendar, number one in your heart. For being the shortest month on the year, February certainly has a whole lot going on. By now, you’ve survived the holidays and settled back in the routine, ready to make 2018 your best year yet. While you may be tempted to stare out the […]
A Fresh Focus—Four Ways to Welcome 2018 for Business Owners
Here we go again. It’s January. That time of year when there’s a longer line to get into Zumba class than the drive-through, proverbial piggy banks begin stockpiling pennies, and the alcohol and tobacco industries take a major sales hit. The majority of us look to a new year as the ideal moment to hit the […]
Victory Lap: Dallas Karting Complex Earns 1MM in Revenue with Hownd
And we’re off to the races. On the race tracks at Dallas Karting Complex, there’s only one speed: fast. When it comes to getting customers back on the course, developing a digital promotions strategy to kick things into high gear karting-style came with an added push. DKC’s owner had already done the heavy lifting as […]
In Gratitude: Happy Thanksgiving from FetchRev
We’re just thanking out loud. As we power down our laptops, set up our voicemails, and shift our focus from birthday collectors to green bean casseroles, we’d like to take a collective moment of appreciation for everything that we’re grateful for before clocking out. We’re thankful for our FetchRev family, here in Tempe and throughout […]
Listen Up: FetchRev November Spotify Playlist
Just press play. There’s a memorable scene in John Cusack’s otherwise forgettable ode-to-music movie High Fidelity (2000), where the main character is asked how he organizes his record collection and without hesitation or contemplation simply responds back “autobiographical”. This simple scene so eloquently displays the importance of music on a personal level. How the music […]
Black Friday, Cyber Monday: How to Schedule Your Campaigns for Success
‘Tis the season of giving. Last year represented a marketing milestone for online shopping during the hectic holiday hustle of the always busy Thanksgiving weekend. With a seasonal shift continuing to drift further away from the traditional lengthy lines and shopping cart sprints of years past, a record $3.34 billion was spent online as shoppers […]
Special Delivery Vol. 2—Finding Your Way Around Spam Filters
Because when it comes to email marketing, there’s nothing quite as frustrating as a failure to launch. Editor’s Note: Click here for the first installment of our series on spam. It’s a done deal. From choosing the perfect price points to spotlighting your most popular services, you’ve successfully nailed each and every best practice recommended […]