How Municipalities and Local Businesses Are Supporting Each Other Through the COVID-19 Shutdown

Disclaimer: The content below was published in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic and is available to read as archive only. The information contained may no longer be current and may not reflect the existing standards for the Hownd platform. Please reach out to for the latest details if you have any questions. In a time […]
4 Resources for Reopening Your Business After the COVID-19 Shutdown

Disclaimer: The content below was published in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic and is available to read as archive only. The information contained may no longer be current and may not reflect the existing standards for the Hownd platform. Please reach out to for the latest details if you have any questions. Depending on where […]
Hownd and BBB-Pacific Southwest Are Teaming Up to Host a “Brave the Storm” Webinar on Friday, May 8th

During the global health crisis, we here at Hownd have accelerated our efforts to assist local businesses in driving immediate revenue during temporary closures and preparing for a successful reopening. As part of our Brave the Storm partnership with BBB-Pacific Southwest, we’re hosting a webinar to share best practices with you. Details: Hownd and BBB-Pacific […]
The City of Tempe and Hownd Have Teamed Up to Help Local Businesses at No Cost

Disclaimer: The content below was published during the COVID-19 pandemic and is available to read as archive only. The information contained may no longer be current and may not reflect the existing standards for the Hownd platform. Please reach out to for the latest details if you have any questions. Buy Now, Save Local. Now, […]
5 Key Marketing Strategies for Family Entertainment Centers During the Economic Crisis

Disclaimer: The content below is available to read as archive only. The information contained may no longer be current and may not be the existing standard for the Hownd platform. Please reach out to for the latest details if you have any questions. At this very moment, it’s only human to feel mentally exhausted, overwhelmed, and […]
Hownd Creates Support Vouchers to Help Local Businesses Impacted by COVID-19

Disclaimer: The content below was published in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic and is available to read as archive only. The information contained may no longer be current and may not reflect the existing standards for the Hownd platform. Please reach out to for the latest details if you have any questions. As a business […]